In This Disaster We Are All, Ultimately, Guilty

One of my favorite blogs is that of Caitlin Johnstone. Why have I never written about how great it is? I’m not sure. I am too busy to write about most things. I have invited her on my radio show and had no reply. I do know that one of my favorite things to do is also one of hers: correct the mistakes of others. I like to correct my own mistakes too, of course, but it’s not as much fun, and only seems useful to write about when my mistake is shared read more

Tomgram: Hartung and Gledhill, How the Arms Industry Scams the Taxpayer

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

Yep, you’ve read this before, haven’t you? Once again, heat records were set over Labor Day weekend from California to Colorado as the West, in a historic megadrought, continues to burn, with fierce fires bursting out and some areas experiencing temperatures 20 degrees above the norm for this season. Yawn…

And ho-hum as well: With Covid officially more or less over, read more

What I Learned About Governments by Reading Classified Documents

Donald Trump’s illegal retention of classified U.S. government records reminded me that I have been reading these kinds of sensitive official files after their declassification―and learning from them―for decades.

The reason is that I am a scholar of international history and, in this connection, have drawn upon such material in my research.  Governments keep secrets, and to understand the full story of their behavior, it is often necessary to dig into the documentary evidence.

When I first read more