Welcome to No War 2017: War and the Environment

By David Swanson
Remarks at #NoWar2017 conference on September 22, 2017.
Video here.

Welcome to No War 2017: War and the Environment. Thank you all for being here. I’m David Swanson. I’m going to speak briefly and introduce Tim DeChristopher and Jill Stein to also speak briefly. We hope to also have time for some questions as we hope to have in every part of this conference.

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help World Beyond War with this event, including Pat Elder who’s organizing read more

A Negotiated Curb on North Korea’s Nuclear Capabilities Is Good, But Not Good Enough

The North Korean government’s progress toward developing a long-range nuclear weapons capability, accompanied by bellicose pronouncements, has been alarming enough to spark worldwide public dismay and new sanctions by a unanimous UN Security Council.  But even if, at the very best, sanctions (which, so far, have not worked) or diplomatic negotiations (which have yet to get underway) produce read more