Bernie Sanders has added the existence of foreign policy onto the bottom of emails like the one below, after having posted a video of himself quoting the usual Eisenhower quotes on military spending. These changes match the request made when World BEYOND War and asked 100 prominent people to sign an open letter to U.S. Senator Bernie
Judge orders rehearing of 4 rejected appeals: Surprise Ruling Opens New Avenue for Mumia to Win New Trial on his Murder Conviction
By Dave Lindorff
In a surprise order signed Dec. 27, a Philadelphia Common Pleas supervising judge has offered a new chance for Mumia Abu-Jamal to challenge his 1982 conviction for the murder of white Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner.
Specifically, Judge Leon Tucker has ordered the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to reconsider four Post Conviction Relief Act (PCRA) hearings and petitions for hearings in the Abu-Jamal case that the state’s high court had rejected
The United States: First in War, Trailing in Modern Civilization
Maybe those delirious crowds chanting “USA, USA” have got something. When it comes to military power, the United States reigns supreme. Newsweek reported in March 2018: “The United States has the strongest military in the world,” with over 2 million military personnel and vast numbers of the most advanced nuclear missiles, military aircraft, warships, tanks, and other modern
Speaking Truth to Empire
Speaking Truth to Empire on KFCF 88.1 independently owned and locally operated since 1975 in Fresno, Dan Yaseen interviews Kathy Kelly. Kathy is a peace and justice activist and a 3 times Nobel Peace Prize Nominee. She coordinates Voices for Creative Nonviolence (, a campaign to end U. S. military and economic warfare. Topics include Saudi/US war, genocide and famine in Yemen.
Corrupt Spineless Iraqi Legislators Are Right
You’ve got 5,000 armed foreign troops stationed in your country. You don’t say a word until the idiot foreign emperor stages a surprise visit. Then you’re outraged principally because he didn’t notify you or meet with you or put up any pretense that your country belonged to you in any way. At that point you demand that the U.S. occupation of Iraq finally be brought to a bitter better-late-than-never end. And you’re damn right.
The U.S. has been helping Iraq into ever-worsening catastrophe
An essay on the film ‘Vice’: Tale of a Number-One Cold-Blooded Bastard
By John Grant
Anyone who has ever questioned the Iraq War and Dick Cheney as a vice president expropriating power as second banana to a shallow man ill-equipped to lead anything has to see the Adam McKay film Vice. It’s nothing short of incredible. The filmmaker has created a hybrid genre that’s part narrative,
Charlottesville As Cartoon
Here in Charlottesville, as in most places, we like our stories simple. Most books by local author John Grisham have good guys and bad guys. When a UVa sports team wins, everybody says “Yay, we won!” When it loses, three-quarters of the people say “Boo, we lost!” Reality that gets messier than a coyote and roadrunner adventure gives us trouble.
When we’re fed a fictional tale of sexual assault at a UVa fraternity by Rollingstone magazine, we like to declare that every other tale
Isolationism or Imperialism: You Really Can’t Imagine a Third Possibility?
Of the United Nations’ 18 major human rights treaties, the United States is party to 5, fewer than any other nation on earth, except Bhutan (4), and tied with Malaysia, Myanmar, and South Sudan, a country torn by warfare since its creation in 2011. The United States is the only nation on earth that has not ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It is the only country to have pulled out of the Paris
Trump’s new acting Pentagon Secretary Patrick Shanahan: Keep Walking, Nothing Important to See Here
By Dave Lindorff
It doesn’t bode well for accountability or fiscal probity that in unceremoniously shit-canning his Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, the petulant President Donald Trump elevated in his stead as acting secretary Mattis’s number two, Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan.
If you said, “Shanahan who?” welcome to the club. This was about as invisible a bureaucrat as you could imagine. And little wonder. Shanahan
Talk Nation Radio: Leonard Higgins on Extinction Rebeliion
Leonard Higgins is a member of the Extinction Rebellion U.S. National Coordination Team and was a valve turner two years ago, one of a number of activists who took nonviolent action to shut off pipelines. Now new nonviolent actions are underway.
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Total run time: 29:00
Host: David Swanson.
Producer: David Swanson.
Music by Duke Ellington.
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