Chief Executioner Trump: ‘Let the Fish Fry Proceed!’

By Rip Rense

            Let’s see, lets see. . .A million point two total infections in Uncle Sam Land. Seventy-five thousand-plus brand spankin’ new corpses. With those cute rigor mortis grins and blind dry eyeballs. Hospitals little more than clearing houses for the Great Beyond. Or probably not so great. Refrigerator truck doors bursting open from overloading of cold human COVID-cured meat.

          O say can you see by the rot cellulite. . .what so cynically read more

How to Avoid a Draft for Dummies

There are two brand new ways to avoid any military draft that should come along.

(I know you’re not worried about a draft, but the numbers of failed coup attempts in Venezuela and of failed attempts to start a war on Iran are both approaching the number of years of war in Afghanistan, so frustration may be building. Two candidates for U.S. President are competing in hostility toward China. Plus, military recruitment is faltering, and even corporate mainstream politicians are being brought around read more

US Wants Release of Two Special Forces Vets Who Led Failed Coup Attempt in Venezuela

By Dave Lindorff

Imperial over-reach was on full display this week as the US government demanded that a pair of US citizens — former Special Forces soldiers leading a 60-man invasion of Venezuela with the goal of fomenting a coup and/or capturing or killing that countrys elected president — be released from arrest and returned to the US.

Bad enough that the US almost certainly knew in advance about this invasion which involved multiple simultaneous border crossings read more

Tomgram: Ann Jones, Getting Trumped by Covid-19

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

The greatest American stories have always been fictions. I mean this both literally and figuratively. I mean The Great Gatsby, Moby-Dick, Invisible Man, and Little Women, but I also mean American exceptionalism, “good” wars, rags to riches, and liberty and justice for all. What, then, is the great American non-fiction story? I submit read more

Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, A Greatest Generation We Are Not

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

There was certainly a hint that the previous century was not going to unfold in a particularly propitious manner when World War I, “the war to end all wars” (a phrase famously attributed to American President Woodrow Wilson), proved but an introduction to a second world war that would make the first look more like a skirmish. Add in the fact that the pandemic to end all read more

Videos: Kent State Truth Tribunal

By Mickey Huff, May 4, 2020

For the 50th anniversary, Professor Mickey Huff of Project Censored, interviewed academics, socio-political historians, protesters, and massacre survivors on the many issues related to the May 4, 1970 Kent and Jackson State massacres.  Tune into the discussions never before explored about May 4, 1970, and what it means to all of us now.

History Matters. We hope these perspectives enrich your understanding of this important historical event and provide context for where we are as read more