Associated Press Associates Itself With War

Robert Burns and Matthew Pennington of the Associated Press tell us:

“U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is visiting the Korean Peninsula at a momentous juncture in the faltering effort to persuade Pyongyang to halt and dismantle its nuclear weapons program. Ominous questions hang in the air.”

Why momentous? North Korea has in the past been successfully so persuaded. And it’s subsequently been antagonized and threatened until it recommenced. This has gone on for decades, while it’s been 64 read more

Focus: New Probes of Russian Uranium Deal and FBI Clinton email investigation – Oct 24, 2017

Tomgram: John Feffer, The Real Disuniting of America

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

Stop thinking of this country as the sole superpower or the indispensable nation on Earth and start reimagining it as the great fracturer, the exceptional smasher, the indispensable fragmenter.  Its wars of the twenty-first century are starting to come home big time — home being not just this particular country (though that’s read more

Talk Nation Radio: How the “Fake News” Scare Is Marginalizing the Left

This week on Talk Nation Radio: How the “Fake News” Scare Is Marginalizing the Left. That’s the title of an article in In These Times by our guest, Julianne Tveten. She writes about the technology industry’s relationship with socioeconomics and culture. In addition to In These Times, Julianne Tveten’s work has appeared in The Baffler, Current Affairs, The Outline, Rewire News, Truthout, and elsewhere, read more

UVA’s Miller Center Plans Three Days of Russophobia

Even as some Democrats are at long last growing frustrated with the lack of actual evidence for the past several months of stories about Russia stealing a U.S. election, Russiagate has penetrated so deeply that Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations has declared Russia’s alleged crimes to be acts of war. That Russia’s fictional actions being warfare would read more

Tomgram: Erik Edstrom, Teaching Revisionist History 101 at West Point

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

Born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, a former businessman who had helped run companies into the ground, he was widely considered ill-prepared for the presidency, out of his depth, a lightweight in a heavyweight world. Still, having won the Republican nomination and then a uniquely read more

Tomgram: Robert Lipsyte, Trump Tackles the NFL

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

Gladiatorial contests were the “sport” of choice of the Roman Empire for more than 650 years.  Losing gladiators were regularly wounded or killed, outcomes in which the audience often had the final say (thumbs up or down or a closed fist with two fingers extended). Such decisions were reportedly accompanied by screams of “let him go!” or “slay him!”  These days, read more

Petition asks Charlottesville to keep weapons out of rallies

A new petition, signed by over 8,000 people and just sent to Charlottesville’s City Council, asks Charlottesville to keep weapons out of rallies. The petition, found at , reads:

“Make clear that in permits for any rallies in public spaces in Charlottesville, guns, knives, and sticks shall not be allowed.”

Activists, including nonviolent peace activists, are often forbidden to carry posters on sticks, having to use hollow carboard tubes, at events around read more

Congress Can Stop War with North Korea

We live in a world where North Korea presents the possibility of retaliatory strikes on the US main land and our Republican administration is throwing around wildly bellicose and recklessly threatening words that risk all of us having to pay the price of a nuclear exchange. It is time for congress to fulfill their constitutional responsibility (Article I, Section 8, Clause 11) to be the only body in the US that may start a war. Congress now allows the President an emergency exemption to take action read more