Our Disaster

by Kathy Kelly
June 1, 2020

An entire generation of Yemeni children has suffered the traumas of war, many of them orphaned, maimed, malnourished, or displaced. The United Nations reports a death toll of 100,000 people in that nation’s ongoing war, with an additional  read more

Beating Swords to Plowshares

by Kathy Kelly
May 30, 2020

Inscribed on a wall across from the United Nations in New York City are ancient words of incalculable yearning:

“They will beat their swords into plowshares
    and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation,
    nor will they train for war anymore.” – Isaiah 2:4

I’ve stood with activists in front of that same wall singing Down by the Riverside, a song promising we’ll lay down read more

Enough with docile permit-granted park protests! Eruptions of Rage in Minneapolis and across the US over the Cop Murder of George Floyd are Uprisings, Not ‘Riots’

By Dave Lindorff

America’s cities are burning again.

In Minneapolis, after an unarmed and unresisting George Floyd, 46 and black, was killed by a white cop after being arrested for the non-violent alleged crime of trying to pass a fake $20 bill, protests immediately erupted.

Minneapolis cops, with a reputation for violence, responded to the initial protest with tear gas, rubber bullets and physical violence. After that the protests became more determined, leading read more

US Wants Release of Two Special Forces Vets Who Led Failed Coup Attempt in Venezuela

By Dave Lindorff

Imperial over-reach was on full display this week as the US government demanded that a pair of US citizens — former Special Forces soldiers leading a 60-man invasion of Venezuela with the goal of fomenting a coup and/or capturing or killing that countrys elected president — be released from arrest and returned to the US.

Bad enough that the US almost certainly knew in advance about this invasion which involved multiple simultaneous border crossings read more

This is what American democracy has sunk to: Two Mentally Challenged Candidates to Choose Between for US President?

By Dave Lindorff

The US is heading into uncharted waters as a polity, with the two likely candidates for president this November both clearly suffering from significant cognitive impairment and evidence of continuing mental decline. 

Back in 1980, the American voters elected a man, Ronald Reagan, who unbeknownst to them already had the beginnings of Alzheimer’s dementia. By 1984 and his campaign for a second term of office, his White House staff and his wife Nancy read more

Staying to the Left: Finding a Strategy in the Wake of Sanders’ Cave-in


If you are on the left with nowhere to go, as Laurence O’Donnell explains in a ‘viral’ meme, you have to show that you are capable of not voting.

As Caitlin Johnstone has warned on April 13, in her article, at caitlinjohnstone.com , there will be a barrage of manipulation designed to pressure you to abandon your position.

As Seth Myers demonstrates, as he mimics Trump to a “T” the man you would be helping to elect by not voting is someone who deserves every epithet you can think up: scurrilous, venal, base, horrific, preposterous, vile, and so on. All true.

As Stephen Colbert so eloquently makes the case, with guests from Pod Save America, you are not someone who deserves this country if you do not force yourself to accept Biden, although the argument used for rejecting Trump is a clear rationale for also rejecting Biden. Jon Favreau (POS co-founder) said that “optimism is one thing, but you cannot allow someone to give you false hope.” Jon Lovett (another POS co-founder) warned about chilling consequences with Supreme Court under continued Republican control.

Jenn Dize (on Status Coup), relaying the news that Justin Chariton has come down with COVID-19, has expressed that she and others are confused about the right way to proceed.

Joe Rogan has said he can’t vote for that guy (Biden) and he will probably vote Trump because Joe cannot finish a sentence.

Governor Andrew Cuomo does not spell it out, but he makes it clear that the Federal level disaster handling is bad, leaving States to scrounge for themselves, which is Trump’s fault. Of all the messages, his way of explaining how things are rolling out is the message that I consider the most. What will keep occurring if nothing changes?

I know one thing: when we vote left, we get more of the same, it is just packaged better.

Even when you make crap palatable you are still eating shit. That’s what I have learned. Obama still wears the crown in the Democratic kingmaker camp, and has convinced people he is the ideal President, that is, until you look at his actions and if you remain unfazed by his glamor, as Jimmy Dore details the evils he extended and did not extinguish on his watch.

I could refer to more reactions on the left and include names of all the youth organizations that are not giving in to the pressure to fold their vote into the “progressive” vote Biden camp and stop resisting. Here is a sample.

My decision, though, is that it is not enough at this point to quit and follow Bernie in his call to join him in supporting Biden

For the rest of this article by LAURIE DOBSON in ThisCantBeHappening!, the uncompromised, collectively run, six-time Project Censored
read more

The third in a ThisCantBeHappening! discussion of the Sanders campaign: Sanders is No Socialist; He’s not even a Democratic Socialist


By Ron Ridenour

Entering into the debate on the pages of TCHB, namely pieces by Laurie Dobson (April 9) and Dave Lindorff (April 11), let me start by defining what social democracy is and is not.

Social democracy is not socialism. It is various reforms for improving workers lives so that they will not overthrow capitalism. The Nordic Model grew out of this Great Compromise between social democratic-led trade unions and wealthy property owners a century ago. In exchange read more

“He’s Got Eight Numbers, Just Like Everybody Else”

by Kathy Kelly

April 3, 2020

On April 4, 2020, my friend Steve Kelly will begin a third year of imprisonment in Georgia’s Glynn County jail. He turned 70 while in prison, and while he has served multiple prison sentences for protesting nuclear weapons, spending two years in a county jail is unusual even for him. Yet he adamantly urges supporters to focus attention on the nuclear weapons arsenals which he and his companions aim to disarm. “The nukes are not going to go away by themselves,” read more

Could this virus and economic crisis be a revolutionary moment?: Marx on COVID-19

By Ron Ridenour

Copenhagen“A spectre is haunting Europe—the spectre ofCovid-19. For Marx and Engels writing the Communist Manifesto, in 1848, that spectre was communism, their political system of choice. This flaring ghost they described frightened the capitalist class, which endeavored to exorcise its breath.

The contemporary specter (thesis-see note) is a new corona virus, code named COVID-19. The spectre of communism lurks for a rebirth as the capitalist read more