A 70-year-old Baby Boomer has some advice for his elders: Wake Up Older Voters Backing Biden! He’s Going After Your (and Your Grandkids’) Social Security

By Dave Lindorff

 Over the last few months I have written a couple of pieces, one aimed at Baby Boomers (my demographic cohort, as I’m 70), and one aimed at the Millennials (a group which includes both my kids, aged 26 and 35).  Now I want to talk to those of you who are older than even myself — let’s call you the pre-Boomers  — folks born before 1945 and all in your mid-70s to 80s and 90s (and maybe a few centenarians!).

I want to address you because polls keep reporting that a fair read more

Fighting words for young workers from a radical elder: You Will Have Social Security Just Like Your Parents and Grandparents — If You Fight to Keep It!

By Dave Lindorff

I was explaining to my 26-year-old son recently that while I’m continuing to work as a writer, because I waited until age 70 to begin collecting my Social Security benefits, I am now collecting almost $29,000 on top of what I earn doing my freelance journalism thing.

He said, matter-of-factly, “Well, I and most of my millennial friends don’t expect Social Security to be around when we reach your age…if we ever do.”

If that gloomy sentiment is widespread, and read more

Building a movement: Social Security is the Key to Progressive Change in America

By Dave Lindorff

            Probably the most important single legacy of what happened in the period of the Great Depression and the New Deal was the establishment of the Social Security, the federal program that today pays benefits to 63 million US elderly, disabled adults and dependent children left by a deceased bread-winner. That’s one-in-six of all people in this country.

            President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Democratic read more