Talk World Radio: Ray McGovern: Put Russiagate Out of its Misery

Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on Here is this week’s video and all the videos on Youtube.

This week on Talk World Radio: Why won’t disproven Russiagate ever go away? Our guest Ray McGovern was an infantry/intelligence officer in the early Sixties, and became a CIA analyst. His duties eventually included chairing National Intelligence Estimates and preparing The President’s Daily Brief. He conducted the one-on-one morning briefings of President Reagan’s read more

The tipping points are arriving: A Nighttime Walk without Bugs or Bats

By Dave Lindorff

This past Thursday evening, not having done my usual run because of the heat, I waited until later when things had cooled down a bit. It was still quite humid and even faintly misty and not wanting to get all sweaty I opted to walk the four mile circle through the exurb north of Philadelphia where we live.

It was totally quiet as I walked the paved streets past the houses on one-acre lots with their neatly mowed lawns and sculpted flower patches.

At first read more

Talk World Radio: Brian Concannon: Haiti Has Had All the U.S. Help It Can Stand

Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on Here is this week’s video and all the videos on Youtube.

This week on Talk World Radio, we’re discussing Haiti with human rights lawyer and activist Brian Concannon. He is Executive Director of Project Blueprint, which promotes a progressive, human rights-based U.S. foreign policy by bringing the perspectives of people impacted by U.S. actions abroad into policy discussions. Brian founded the Institute for Justice & read more

How Not to Prevent U.S. Military Suicides

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, July 13, 2021

If I were to just read the admirable recent study of U.S. military suicides from the Costs of War Project, my inclination would immediately be to join with President Biden and start proclaiming the war on Afghanistan a success, or with Obama in announcing that the Korean War was a success after all, or with the general U.S. establishment in declaring all wars a noble “service” read more

Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Teetering on the Existential Edge

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

On an unnaturally hot late June day in the Northeast, my eight-year-old grandson was walking back to a broiling car to continue a long trip. It was in the mid-nineties and he and his three-year-old sister were complaining about how miserable they were when, out of nowhere, he said, “This is why climate change is important!”

Startled, his mother agreed, and then he suddenly read more