Tomgram: David Vine, Biden Builds Back Worse (When It Comes to China)

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

Let me make my own position on China all too clear. I’m distinctly “soft” on that country. I always have been. After all, it represents a remarkable civilization, one I studied in graduate school. Among my greatest regrets is never having visited there, never having made it to the Great Wall or any of its other memorable historical landmarks. China has indeed “risen” read more

Irresponsible Hatecraft and Proper Drone Murders

A friend asked if I could “refute” an article about drones published by “Responsible Statecraft,” and I’m not really sure I can. If an article were to oppose certain types of rape or torture or animal cruelty or environmental destruction but build in the assumption that one simply must have those things, albeit reformed versions of them, I couldn’t refute the need to oppose the particular atrocities. I could, however, question the assumption that that was good enough.

And if people read more

Talk World Radio: Margaret Kimberley on Powell, Obama, and Assange

Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on Here is this week’s video and all the videos on Youtube.

Margaret Kimberley is a co-founder and Executive Editor and Senior Columnist for Black Agenda Report, a recipient of the Serena Shim Award for Uncompromising Integrity in Journalism, a board member of Consortium News, and a recipient of a 2021 Women and Media Award from the Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press. Ms. Kimberley is author of the book “Prejudential: read more

Tomgram: Michael Klare, The Burning Future of U.S.-China Relations

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

Hey, these days the world really is a barrel of cheery news, isn’t it? Take the U.S. and China. How much more swimmingly could relations between them go on this planet of sickness and heat? Just in case you missed it, despite the attack on the Capitol on January 6th and his read more

Climate and Militarism Event Planned for 4 November in Glasgow, Scotland

By World BEYOND War, October 14, 2021

A broad and growing coalition of peace and environmental organizations has announced plans for an event on Thursday, 4 November, in Glasgow.

WHAT: Announcement of a Petition to COP26 Demanding that Militaries Be Included in Climate Agreement; colorful banners and light projection.
WHEN: 4 November 2021, 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
WHERE: Buchanan Steps, on Buchanan Street, in front of the Royal Concert Hall, north of Bath Street, Glasgow.

Over 300 organizations and read more

Widerstand gegen Atomwaffen in der Klimakrise

Am 21. Juli wanderte ich mit drei Catholic Worker-Freundinnen, Susan van der Hijden aus Amsterdam in den Niederlanden, Susan Crane aus Redwood City in Kalifornien und Chris Danowski aus Dortmund in Deutschland durch die Wälder, die die deutsche Luftwaffenbasis Büchel in der Eiffel umgeben. Es war gegen Ende einer „Internationalen Woche“ von Protesten gegen die etwa 20 nuklearen B61-Schwerkraftbomben, die aufgrund eines „nuklearen Teilungsabkommens“ mit den USA dort gelagert werden.

In read more

Keine Kampfdrohnen in Kriegsgebieten

Am 13. Mai 2013 hielt Präsident Obama vor der National Defense University (Nationale Verteidigungsuniversität) eine längere Rede zum Thema “Über die Zukunft unseres Kampfes gegen den Terrorismus”, in der er zum ersten Mal über das offiziell noch immer geheime Programm der US-Regierung der gezielten Attentate durch ferngesteuerte Drohnen sprach. Ich war in der Lage, diese Rede im Fernsehen aus dem privilegierten Blickwinkel des Insassen eines Bundesgefängnisses zu verfolgen, am read more