The Conference to Save the Environment

To my knowledge, and I very, very much hope I am wrong, this upcoming conference will be the very first environmental conference in the United States to take on the single gravest threat to the world’s natural environment and to the natural environment right here within the United States. May many more conferences and actions follow!

With some drugs, we have learned that we must take on the demand as well as the supply, and that we must treat that demand as an illness when harmful. Not so with read more

Are Governments Useless?

Useless! Useless!
Heavy rain driving
Into the sea.
–Jack Kerouac

Talking with people who are fed up, and especially with people who are trying to do something about it, one increasingly runs into the statement that the (U.S.) government is useless, the government won’t help us, we must help ourselves. And not only that, but the government is rotten to the core, irredeemable, systematically and hopelessly and essentially evil.

And of course this is basically true. The question is what to do about read more

You Can’t Have a Progressive Movement Without Peace

By David Swanson
Remarks at People’s Convergence Conference, Sept. 8, 2017

Here’s my five-minute case for why you can’t have an effective progressive movement in the United States that doesn’t include working for peace. War and militarism and bases and ships and missiles and sanctions and nuclear threats and hostility make up the filter through which much of the other 96% of humanity experiences this 4%. The U.S. Congress chooses how to spend a great deal of money each year, and chooses read more

Focus: Brexit – Sept 7, 2017

Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Whose Side Are You On?

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

In some closet, I still have toy soldiers from my 1950s childhood.  They played a crucial role in an all-American world of good guys and bad guys I learned about, in part, from the westerns and war movies my father took me to at local movie theaters. I can still remember playing out those long-lost stories out with a motley assortment of bluecoats, redcoats, GIs (of the green read more

I hope to see yall at these upcoming awesome events

September 9: Washington, D.C.

That’s this Saturday in DC on a 1 p.m. panel on ending permanent war, with Medea Benjamin and Lee Camp.

September 13: George Mason University

That’s next Wednesday in Fairfax, Va., on ending racism and war!

September 17: (boating not speaking) Flotilla to the Pentagon

Grab your kayak! Or don’t — we’ve got plenty. Just sign up to use one!

September 21: University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Penn.

My favorite kind of event: a debate on war — but in a spirit read more

Focus: Syria – Sept 5, 2017

Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Last Men Standing

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

Victory at Last!
In America’s Wars, Failure Is the New Success
By Tom Engelhardt

It was bloody and brutal, a true generational struggle, but give them credit. In the end, they won when so many lost.

James Comey was axed. Sean Spicer went down in a heap of ashes. Anthony Scaramucci crashed and burned instantaneously. Reince Priebus hung on for dear life but was finally canned. read more

Stop Allowing YOUR Emperor to Threaten Nuclear Apocalypse

North Korea is open to reasonable negotiations. The United States, as embodied in the buffoon whom we have allowed to hold more power than any royal monarch has ever known, would prefer armageddon to reasonable negotiations.

These are not speculations.

North Korea made a deal with the U.S. before being dumped into the Axis of Evil, after which point it proposed a deal over and over.

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