Tomgram: Dilip Hiro, America First Actually Means China First

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

He took a remarkable star turn at Davos — and, no, I don’t mean President Trump.  I was thinking about Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2017, when he claimed the title of globalist-in-chief in a highly praised speech to the world’s assembled CEOs and plutocrats.  He was then promoting read more

How to Back the United States Away from Nuclear Madness

In Trump’s State of the Union he proposed building more nuclear weapons to counter “rivals” who “challenge” U.S. “values.” The Pentagon’s new Nuclear Posture Review proposes nuclear weapons to counter even “cyber warfare” and of course for “deterrence,” but also for “achievement of U.S. objectives if deterrence fails.”

How do we back Washington away from madness? This might help:

This past summer, former U.S. Senator read more

Trump’s wrong: Our Racial and Ethnic Roots in all their Tangled Diversity are What’s Best about this Country

By Dave Lindorff

            I’m a white American, but like a majority of us, that’s only small part of the story.

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            In a country where the federal government is currently in the hands of so-called “nativists” like Trump and his white mostly male Republican Party backers only celebrate white roots, I like many of us have various genetic strands that include a little of read more

Chalk Up A Victory For The Little Guys: #Aegis9 And #1stAmendment Prevail

It was February 1 now and it was snowing. Again.

A handful of us had gathered on the pavement thinking about our government building weapons of mass destruction and polluting our relation the Kennebec River. Tormenting sea creatures with sonar and destroying the habitat of millions to create ports for gigantic nuclear-capable ships aptly called destroyers.

The Aegis 9 at the Bath Police Department after booking

On April 1, 2017 nine of us had been arrested outside General Dynamics shipyard in Maine, an historic site called Bath Iron Works (BIW), named read more

Time to Abolish War

Short talk at Poor People’s Campaign, Detroit, 26 Jan 2018
Let me talk about war.

How many of you believe war is bad? And I, after my time in war, totally agree with you.
War is not about conflict resolution it does not resolve conflicts.
War is not about national security it does not make us secure.
It is always a rich man’s war run on the blood of poor people. War can reasonably be visualized as a giant machine that grinds up the working people to feed the rich man.
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Lies, Damn Lies, and Nuclear Posture Reviews

Did you hear the one about the “safe, secure, and effective nuclear deterrent”? There is, of course, nothing safe or secure about producing, maintaining, or threatening to use nuclear weapons. Nor is there evidence that they have ever deterred anything that the United States wanted deterred.

Trump’s State of the Union gave this justification for building more weapons:

“Around the world, we face rogue regimes, terrorist groups and rivals like China and Russia that challenge our interests, read more

Tomgram: Nomi Prins, How to Set the Economy on Fire

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

There’s no way to measure just how cheery this period really is — not if you’re the CEO of a major company. Just as the World Economic Summit was opening in Davos, Switzerland, and President Donald Trump was flying in to put his mark on the moment, PwS, a global consulting firm, released its annual survey of 1,300 CEOs. “The report,” wrote read more

My Fellow Americans: Please Wake Up

Day after day, year after year, your government murders people and sows terror and misery on the people of the Middle East and Africa – while most of you do nothing to stop it.

On January 13, 2018, warplanes for the U.S.-led Coalition in Syria, fired missiles on Hajin city, in the eastern suburbs of Deir Ez-Zour of that devastated country, killing five civilians. According to the Syrian Network for Human Rights, their names were read more