Mystery of the underpaid American worker: Economists ‘Can’t Understand’ Why Workers Can’t Get Paid More in a ‘Booming’ Economy

By Dave Lindorff

            Economists say they are stumped by a mystery: Since the US economy is doing so well, and unemployment is down to below 4%, which many argue is close to “full employment” in historic US terms, why is it that wages are not growing, and in fact, are lower in real dollars than they were in 1974, almost half a century ago.

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            Reading articles like these read more

Russia Is Our Friend

Last May I was in Russia when fascists held a rally in my hometown of Charlottesville, not to be confused with their larger rally which followed in August. At the May rally, people shouted “Russia is our friend.” I was on a Russian TV show called Crosstalk the next day and discussed this. I also discussed it with other Russians, actual friends in the human sense. Some of them were completely bewildered, read more

Where’s the ‘democratic socialist’ challenge to militarism? Senate Democrats, with Few Exceptions, are a Gang of War-Mongers

By Dave Lindorff

            Democrats in the US Senate showed themselves to be just another war party this week, with 40 of their number out of 47 voting to pass a record $717-billion military budget for FY 2019. Only seven Democrats (Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, D-MA, Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, D-OR, Kamala Harris, D-CA, Dick Durbin, D-IL, and Kirstin Gillibrand, D-NY) and independent Bernie Sanders, who caucuses with the Democratic Party, voted against read more

Swamp Infrastructure Construction Kinetics

By David Swanson, director of World BEYOND War

Now being planned and built in Washington, D.C., which is already just about coated in monuments to wars and particular warriors, are monuments to: World War I, the Gulf War, Native American fighters in wars, African Americans who fought in the U.S. war for independence, and the War on Terrorism, as well as one to Eisenhower the Warrior.

That War on (make that “of” — an easy alteration) Terrorism monument is supposed to be built by 2024, and the read more

Tomgram: Arnold Isaacs, The Con Game of America’s Anti-Muslims

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

Here are a couple of questions for you: If, in this country, terrorism is to be fought by travel bans, if (as Donald Trump once tweeted) “we don’t want ‘em here,” then why are all the travel bans aimed at Muslims? If the most threatening terror types shouldn’t be traveling either to or in read more

Talk Nation Radio: Anna Feigenbaum on the Problem of Tear Gas

Anna Feigenbaum is author of Tear Gas: From the Battlefields of World War I to the Streets of Today, which we discuss. She is also co-author of the book Protest Camps, and her work has appeared in Vice, The Atlantic, Al Jazeera America, The Guardian, Salon, Financial Times, Open Democracy, New Internationalist, and Waging Nonviolence. She is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Media and Communication at Bournemouth University. Her website is read more

Let’s Tax the Rich

Whatever happened to the notion that rich people should pay their fair share of the cost for their country’s public programs?

Progressive income taxes―designed to fund government services and facilities—go back centuries, and are based on the idea that taxes should be levied most heavily on people with the ability to pay them.  In the United States, read more