The Kid at Los Alamos Who Gave the Secrets to the Soviet Union

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, August 17, 2023

One of the scientists at Los Alamos with Oppenheimer was 18 years old. While Oppenheimer was publicly and falsely accused of spying for the Societ Union, this young man did in fact give many of the most important secrets from Los Alamos to the Soviets, and the U.S. government chose not to prosecute him. And there is a brand-new movie by a two-time Oscar-nominated director about this other guy that is in many ways a better movie than Oppenheimer, read more

Rahm Emanuel Is Bragging About Turning Japan into a Warmaking Nation

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War,  August 16, 2023

Hey World War II fans, Rahm Emanuel has got some great news for YOU! He’s turning Japan into a warmaking country, and bragging about it.

Fun fact: the U.S. tried that before and it kind of backfired.

Funner fact: this is at least Rahm Emanuel’s tenth opportunity to fail upward.

Rahm Emanuel is the formerly much despised mayor of Chicago who tried to cover up police murder.

Congressman Rahm Emanuel in January 2007, after antiwar voters handed read more

The Opponents of Email Have Destroyed It

Email is dead. Long live Email.

Have you tried discussing something with friends on email lately? Often it’s worse than not even trying. Many people will never reply to any emails at all. Some will reply to the first email in a discussion thread after there have been eight emails and the consensus on some point has moved on. Someone else will then reply to a combination of what the person who is a week behind the times said plus what someone else just said who’s up to speed, but also to what read more