Seeing Yemen from Jeju

Several days ago, I joined an unusual Skype call originated by young South Korean founders of “The Hope School.” Located on Jeju Island, the school aims to build a supportive community between island residents and newly arrived Yemenis who seek asylum in South Korea.

Jeju, a visa-free port, has been an entry point for close to 500 Yemenis who have traveled nearly 5000 miles in search of safety. Traumatized by consistent bombing, threats of imprisonment and torture, and the horrors of starvation, read more

Talk Nation Radio: Dave Lindorff on the Pentagon’s Fictional Budget

Dave Lindorff is an investigative reporter who writes for the Nation, London Review of Books, Salon and He is founder of the collectively run journalists’ news site

Lindorff has just published an articled called “Exclusive: The Pentagon’s Massive Accounting Fraud Exposed.” See:

Total run time: 29:00
Host: David Swanson.
Producer: David Swanson.
Music by Duke Ellington.

Download read more

Are Genes Pseudo-Science Driven by Racist Patriarchal Plutocrats?

A new film called A Dangerous Idea argues that the concept of the gene will be looked back on (if humanity lives long enough) in the way that we look back on claims of “royal blood” and skull size as justifications for power and social status. The film makes the case that eugenics and (its more recent name) genetics has been driven by the same interests as those past claims.

It’s very strange to me that the most unequal nation among wealthy nations contains so many people who are able to read more

Yemen, Poisoned Water, and a Green New Deal

While U.N. figures suggest that it would take 1% of U.S. military spending to provide the world with clean drinking water, the United States could end the worst cholera epidemic in recorded history (in Yemen) for far less than that and far less than what it is spending to create the epidemic through the U.S.-Saudi war on Yemen. And what may turn out to be the most widespread poisoning of water sources around the read more

Speaking Truth to Empire

Speaking Truth to Empire on KFCF 88.1 independently owned and locally operated since 1975 in Fresno, Dan Yaseen interviews Cindy Sheehan, America’s leading antiwar and anti-Empire activist. They discuss Women’s March on the Pentagon held October 20 & 21, midterm election and Cindy’s hunger strike in solidarity with the the people suffering a horrible humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

The Long, Brutal U.S. War on Children in the Middle East – Kathy Kelly

Above: 11 month old Wadah Askri Mesheel in a Yemen clinic, 8 hours before his death from malnutrition.
Photo credit: Tyler Hicks/NYT

November 29, 2018

On November 28, sixty-three U.S. Senators voted in favor of holding a floor debate on a resolution calling for an end to direct U.S. Armed Forces involvement in the Saudi-UAE coalition-led war on Yemen. Describing the vote as a rebuke to Saudi Arabia and the Trump Administration, read more

Tomgram: Aviva Chomsky, Making Native Americans Strangers in Their Own Land

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

In the 1950s, I grew up in the heart of New York City and had a remarkable amount of contact with Native Americans. As you might expect, I never actually met one in those years. What I had in mind was all the time I spent at the local RKO and other movie theaters watching Hollywood westerns. They were, of course, filled with Indians, and in those films, we — and I don’t read more