Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Greatest Wall of All

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

A Swiftian Modest Proposal for the President
Or How to Solve the Border and China Problems in One Swell Foop
By Tom Engelhardt

Call me crazy, if you want, but I think I see how to do it!

We have two intractable issues, one intractable president, and an intractable world, but what if it weren’t so? What if those two intractable problems could be swept off the table by a single read more

Are We Anti-Empire or Anti-War?

Obviously many of us are both. I have zero use for either empire or war. But I’m using those tags as shorthand for two groups that sometimes unite and sometimes do not in their advocacy efforts.

One speaks against empire and war with the emphasis on empire, tends to avoid advocating nonviolence, has little to say about alternative means of conflict resolution without war, usually likes the term “revolution,” and sometimes advocates for violent revolution or revolution by any means available read more

Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Climate Change as the End Game for U.S. Global Power

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

If you think of the age of Trump as a spectator sport, then perhaps the truly riveting show isn’t on the president’s Twitter feed or in his latest shout-outs to the press or at another of those “cabinet meetings” where everyone is obliged to publicly praise you-know-perfectly-well-who read more

We’re Asking Charlottesville to Divest from Weapons and Fossil Fuels

Charlottesville, Virginia, has yet to take down its racist statues (the ones all the fuss has been about or any of the other ones). Charlottesville has yet to ban guns from public events. It blames the state legislature in both of those and many other topics. But the City of Charlottesville has our public dollars invested in weapons, and it is perfectly capable of changing that.

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Sucking up to Boss Bezos: Columnist Thiessen Calling AOC ‘Economically Illiterate,’ Instead Displays Own Economic Ignorance

By Dave Lindorff

Listening to President Trump, you’d think the socialist barbarians were at the gates of America preparing to over-run the US with a Soviet-style state-run economy where every car would be the same make and color, everyone would be wearing Mao suits and freedom and social mobility, those great mythical assets that we supposedly have in unique abundance here in the land of the free and home of the brave, would vanish.

Socialists like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez want read more

Talk Nation Radio: Liz Remmerswaal Hughes on Peace Activism in New Zealand

Liz Remmerswaal Hughes is a member of the Coordinating Committee of World BEYOND War. She is the Country Coordinator for World BEYOND War in New Zealand / Aotearoa where she works with a number of peace organizations. In 2017 she was awarded the Sonia Davies Peace Award which enabled her to study Peace Literacy with the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation in Santa Barbara, attend the WILPF triennial Congress in Chicago, and a workshop on Peace and Conscience in Ann Arbor. We discuss opposition in New read more

Draft Registration Will Be Either Ended or Imposed on Women

A choice must now be made. It is officially unconstitutional to discriminate against 18-year-old women by not forcing them to sign up to be forced against their will to kill and die for Venezuela’s oil or some other noble cause.

Yes, the fine U.S. judiciary has declared for-men-only Selective Service registration to be verboten.

That’s not to say there isn’t debate on the matter. One side holds that women should be treasured as the delicate witless pieces of property they are because the Bible read more

War Isn’t in Your Genes or Your Jeans

I’ve written before about the pseudo-science of genetics, which is almost as crazy as the popular understanding of it. Our culture has long proposed that Oliver Twist could grow up middle-class in the slums because of his inherited traits. But in the age when the scientific gurus in popular films are geneticists, things have gotten nuttier.

A book and movie called The Time Traveler’s Wife presents a handy depiction of roughly the way that many people think of genes. A character has read more

Tomgram: Rory Fanning, The Courage to Say No

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

She began cutting school on Fridays and simply sitting on the steps of the Swedish parliament. Her name was Greta Thunberg. She was 15 years old, with a mind of her own and a sign demanding a school strike against climate change. Her parents wanted her to go back to school, but Friday after read more