New poem by TCBH! resident poet Gary Lindorff: The Circle of what?

Circle up.
Hold hands.
Look around.

Look across.
Look at your feet.
Look at all the shoes.

Shoes with feet in them.
We make a good circle.
Circle of people.

Is life a circle?
Where is the circle of life?
Is there a bigger circle?

Why cant I see it?
Is the Koala in it?
Is the house spider in it?…

For the rest of this new poem by GARY LINDORFF, poet in residence at ThisCantBeHappening!, the uncompromised, collectively owned, six-time Project Censored Award-winning online alternative news read more

Tomgram: Arnold Isaacs, Another Kind of War Wound

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

Many men do monstrous things. And some men are very nearly monsters, capable of killing without compunction or remorse. In the everyday civilian world, we generally seek to lock them up. In war, they have a chance to fully flower. And if they serve in militaries that fight serial conflicts where the laws of war are considered mere suggestions, they can be all that they can read more

Talk Nation Radio: David Gibbs: Get Rid of NATO

David Gibbs is a Professor of History at the University of Arizona and has published widely on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and NATO. His publications have appeared in both academic and popular venues, such as the London Guardian, Los Angeles Times, and Le Monde Diplomatique. He also recently debated the topic of humanitarian intervention at the Oxford Union Society in the UK. Professor Gibbs is currently finishing his third read more

Tomgram: William Astore, Mutiny on Spaceship Earth

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

Sometime in September 2007, retired Air Force lieutenant colonel and historian William Astore wrote me at TomDispatch to complain about America’s disastrous and already seemingly never-ending war in Iraq. The invasion of that country had taken place more than four years earlier and things had long gone from bad to worse.  That very year, the administration of President read more

It’s time for Virginia to end the death penalty

The death penalty’s slow death is accelerating. At least 140 nations no longer use it. No nation in Europe uses the death penalty. No nation in the Western Hemisphere uses it, except the United States.

Twenty-nine U.S. states have banned capital punishment or imposed a moratorium, and most of the rest have effectively stopped using it.

Virginia, the northernmost east-coast state with the death penalty, has not sentenced anyone to death in over 8 years. Virginia’s death row holds only three men, read more

Ukrainegate’s Failures

The weaknesses of Ukrainegate are on display in a new book by Neal Katyal (“with Sam Koppelman”) making the case for Ukrainegate, but titled “Impeach: The Case Against Donald Trump.”

It’s not, of course, the case against Donald Trump. This is the case against Donald Trump: The man is intentionally and openly exacerbating climate collapse. He’s threatened at least two countries with nuclear war. He’s illegally sought to share nuclear technology with Saudi Arabia. He’s escalated several read more

Billionaire entitlement run amok: Bloomberg for President? God No!

By Dave Lindorff

Michael Bloomberg, according to Forbes Magazine the 9th richest man in the world with a net worth this year of $54.7 billion, isn’t just the real billionaire candidate for President in 2020 (Donald Trump’s net worth is almost certainly not counted in the billions, and could be negative for all we know, since he won’t release his tax records) Bloomberg is also the billionaires’ candidate for president. That is to say, he’s not just rich, he’s their man.

Bloomberg, read more

Call to resist the ongoing assault on Assange and Manning: Mr. Johnson, Tear Down This Wall!

By Ron Ridenour

 On June 12, 1987, the greatest president in the history of the United States of America (according to US opinion polls), Ronald Reagan, challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. Twenty-nine months later, November 9, 1989, the communist party leaderships of the DDR and Soviet Union, complied and opened the wall.

I call upon the prime minister of the “United Kingdom”, Boris Johnson, to do the same at Belmarsh Prison where political prisoners, such as Julian Assange, read more

Talk Nation Radio: Impeachment: Do It Right, Or Don’t Do It

This week on Talk Nation Radio: a rant on impeachment, in favor of doing it right or not doing it at all.

Total run time: 29:00
Host: David Swanson.
Producer: David Swanson.
Music by Duke Ellington.

Download from LetsTryDemocracy, or from Internet Archive.

Pacifica stations can also download from Audioport.

Syndicated by Pacifica Network.

Please encourage your local radio stations to carry this program every week!

Please embed the SoundCloud audio on your own website!

Past Talk Nation Radio shows read more

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Which Hunt? Who Knows Which Witch?

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

Après Moi, le Déluge
The Age of Trump, the End of What?
By Tom Engelhardt

French king Louis XV reputedly said, “Après moi, le déluge.” (“After me, the flood.”) Whether that line was really his or not remains unclear, but not long after his death did come the French Revolution. read more