Why This Election Is Different

Elections, I think most of us can agree, usually bring out the idiocy, superficiality, and illogic in everyone who can muster any. Imagine supporting, as many did, Sanders and then Trump because they were both “outsiders.” On Tuesday, I heard somebody on CNN announce that Sanders and Klobuchar were both “change candidates” (because you’d have to change every bit of the platform of one of them to match that of the other?). Tokenism no longer embarrasses voters or even the candidates who read more

Talk Nation Radio: Jefferson Morley on Israel, Iran, and the United States

Jefferson Morley is a Washington author and investigative reporter. Over the last 35 years he has served as Washington correspondent for The Nation and Salon and as editor and reporter at the Washington Post and Washingtonpost.com for 15 years. He is the author of three books of non-fiction history: The Ghost, a biography of legendary CIA spymaster James Jesus Angleton; Snow-Storm in August, the untold tale of a white riot that swept read more

Executions on the National Mall?: The Red-Baiting of Bernie Sanders Has Begun and is Already Becoming Laughable

By Dave Lindorff

            With Bernie Sanders now the frontrunner for president in the Democratic Party primaries (the New York Times’ poll guru Nate Silver is giving him a better than 40% chance of gaining enough delegates by the end of the primary season to win the nomination on the all-important first ballot at the National Convention in July (meaning the neo-liberal Party Establishment wouldn’t have a chance to steal it away from him using “Superdelegates”), read more

Tomgram: Michael Klare, War in the Arctic?

This article originally appeared at TomDispatch.com. To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

When I first met Michael Klare in the late Neolithic age (it was actually the early 1970s), he was already researching the U.S. military in a way no one else was doing. His first book on the subject, War Without End: American Planning for the Next Vietnams, had just been published. The title remains eerily apt, given Washington’s twenty-first-century “forever wars.” read more

Sanders Wins as DNS, Perez and Buttigieg Do the Impossible, Disgracing Themselves

By Dave Lindorff

Hooray for Bernie Sanders!

He waited until he had the numbers and now he’s calling it. He won Iowa!

Maybe the same corporate media that have been talking about Pete Buttigieg being the “presumptive winner” in the messy Iowa Caucus, now that their story is collapsing are unwilling to call it for Bernie, Sanders, in a televised announcement today from New Hampshire, said,  “Even though the vote tabulations have been extremely slow, we are now at a point with some 97% of the read more

Pinkerism and Militarism Walk into a Room

Charles Kenny’s book, Close the Pentagon, has an endorsement from Steven Pinker despite wanting to close something that Pinker rarely acknowledges exists.

This is a book to answer the question: What if someone who believed that war was only committed by poor, dark, distant people, and had therefore almost vanished from the earth, were to encounter the U.S. military and the U.S. military budget?

The answer is basically a proposal to move the money from militarism to human and environmental needs read more

Tomgram: Andrea Mazzarino, Living in a World of Trauma

This article originally appeared at TomDispatch.com. To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

I suppose this should shock no one, but as the stresses of climate change grow, they only heighten other stresses already built into this world of ours; new realities, that is, have a tendency to create more extreme versions of some very old ones as well. A new two-year study of the phenomenon by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, for instance, focuses read more

Campaign on to deny Sanders Democratic nomination: The Iowa Caucus is Corrupt and the Whole Process Stinks to Hell

By Dave Lindorff

We shouldn’t be surprised that the Iowa Caucus has blown up into a fiasco. It is a primary that was designed to give a result the ruling duopoly parties each want, and Sanders, according to the polls, has been screwing it up for the Democrats by looking increasingly likely to win the nomination. Let me explain:

We’ve heard ad nauseum that the Iowa caucuses that are the first test of actual voters picking a presidential candidate each four-year election cycle are important read more

Talk Nation Radio: Annette Brownlie: Australia Better Without U.S. Troops

Annette Brownlie is a mother and a life-long peace organiser and activist, arising out of the experiences of her father in WW2 and her own experiences as a teenager opposing the Vietnam war. Annette has had leadership roles in anti-nuclear, environmental, and peace organisations in Brisbane. She is a recipient of the Womens International League for Peace and Freedom and the United Nations Association of Australia Community Peace Award. When the announcement was made in 2012 to host U.S. Marines read more