A toxic stew of prejudice & politics: Reagan, Trump And The Rancid Use Of Racism For Political Gain

By Linn Washington, Jr.

A presidential candidate, nakedly pandering prejudice to win votes, holds a pivotal campaign rally in a locale infamous for a bloody incident of white racist violence.

Sounds like President Donald J. Trump’s decision to schedule a campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the site of one of the worst incidents of mass racist violence in American history.

However, decades before Trump’s Tulsa ‘Dog Whistle’ to bigots in his base, the icon of the read more

Speaking Truth to Empire

“Speaking Truth to Empire” on KFCF 88.1 independently owned and locally operated since 1975 in Fresno, Dan Yaseen interviews Miko Peled an Israeli-American peace activist and author. He grew up in a Zionist family, his grandfather was a signer on the Israeli Declaration of Independence and his father was a general in the Israeli Army. He blogs at: www.mikopeled.com.

The topics of discussion include the global protests after the murder of George Floyd by 4 police officers in Minneapolis and read more

Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Invasion of America

This article originally appeared at TomDispatch.com. To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

The Age of Disappointment?
Or How the American Century Ends
By Tom Engelhardt

Let me rant for a moment. I don’t do it often, maybe ever. I’m not Donald Trump. Though I’m only two years older than him, I don’t even know how to tweet and that tells you everything you really need to know about Tom Engelhardt in a world clearly passing me by. Still, after years in which read more

Epidemic Epistle IX: Put to the (COVID-19) Test by the National Guard in Pennsylvania

By Dave Lindorff

My wife Joyce and I visited the front in the war zone yesterday.

I’m talking about the “war” on the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

We registered for COVID-19 testing on Tuesday when Joyce, usually highly energetic,  started feeling physically drained for no reason and began running a low-grade elevated temperature of 98.9 all day. We decided that our both getting tested was a wise idea, particularly read more

Put These Antiwar People in Congress

If you can do activism, do it around policies in a principled manner, and steer clear of elections.

If you can do funding, fund principled activist organizations, not political candidates.

If you must divert your energies and money into elections, I have a recommendation for how best to do it (not that you’ll necessarily listen to me, having already ignored my first two paragraphs, but what the heck):

Part of getting better governance out of Washington, D.C., will have to come from shifting power read more

Talk Nation Radio: Jake Johnston on the Coup in Bolivia and U.S. Media

Jake Johnston is a Senior Research Associate at the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, D.C. His research has focused predominantly on economic policy in Latin America, the International Monetary Fund, and U.S. foreign policy. Jake Johnston co-authored a report in March on the role of the Organization of American States in the coup in Bolivia in November of last year. The New York Times has recently admitted that OAS claims of fraud in last year’s Bolivian election read more

Lee, Jayapal, AOC Introduce Bill to Move $350 Billion from Militarism to Human Needs

Here’s the text of a new bill in Congress: PDF.

Here’s a petition from Code Pink promoting it.

Needless to say, this is the best bill introduced into Congress in decades.

Here’s the ending:

“Congress supports moves to reduce the priority given to war in our foreign policy and our current war-based national economy by using significant cuts, up to $350,000,000,000 as detailed above, from current budget plans, while using the funds to increase our diplomatic capacity and for domestic programs read more

Tomgram: Nick Turse, A Breathless Moment in America

This article originally appeared at TomDispatch.com. To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

I’m almost 76 years old, in Covid-19 isolation, and — though I’ve been to many demonstrations in my life — haven’t been to one since George Floyd was murdered. I haven’t even been near one and that will, I suspect, be one of the regrets of my life. Thank goodness Nick Turse, TomDispatch’s managing read more

The Case for Banning Militarized Policing in Charlottesville, Va.

Almost 500 people, most of them from Charlottesville have signed this petition:

We urge you to ban from Charlottesville:

(1) military-style or “warrior” training of police by the U.S. military, any foreign military or police, or any private company,

(2) acquisition by police of any weaponry from the U.S. military;

and to require enhanced training and stronger policies for conflict de-escalation, and limited use of force for law enforcement.

 The CBS 19 coverage is here.

The NBC 29 coverage is read more