Making America Feared Again: The Trump Administration Considers Resuming Nuclear Weapons Testing

Americans who grew up with nightmares of nuclear weapons explosions should get ready for some terrifying flashbacks, for the Trump administration appears to be preparing to resume U.S. nuclear weapons tests.

The U.S. government stopped its atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons in 1962, shortly before signing the Partial Test Ban Treaty of 1963.  And it halted its underground nuclear tests in 1992, signing read more

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Donald J. Trump, or Osama bin Laden’s Revenge

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

“The Bleeding Wound”
Osama bin Laden Won (Twice)
By Tom Engelhardt

It’s July 2020 and I’m about to turn 76, which, as far as I’m concerned, officially makes me an old man. So put up with my aging, wandering brain here, since (I swear) I wasn’t going to start this piece with Donald J. Trump, no matter his latest wild claims or bizarre statements, increasingly white read more

Be Kind to Those Offended By It

“Good Morning! Would you mind staying a safe distance away?”

“Hi! Nice mask! Could you please wear it on your face instead of your chin?”

Helping people reduce the risk of spreading a deadly disease requires being willing to offend them.

And as they long for a return to normalcy, you should be preparing to be a lot more offensive.

“That sounds delicious. Does it have any dead animals in it?”

“How’s it going? Could you please not carry a gun around here?”

These are comments of the same read more

Tomgram: Nan Levinson, The Vet Conundrum and America’s Wars

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

Here’s one thing you can say about America’s “war on terror,” which has morphed into a set of forever wars across the Greater Middle East and Africa: those conflicts falter, they flop, they fade (only to resurge), but they never truly seem to end. In the case of the Afghan War, for instance, the Bush administration invaded that country in the wake of the 9/11 attacks read more

Humanity is an Endangered Species

Have you noticed recently that things are collapsing?

Sure, the rightwing, nationalist rulers of many countries never stop telling us that they have made their nations “great” again.

But we would have to be dislocated from reality not to notice that something is wrong―very wrong.  After all, the world is currently engulfed in a coronavirus pandemic that read more

Legislation in Congress Would Require Flying Flag With Pentagon on It

A bill in Congress with bipartisan support would require post offices and various government buildings to fly from September 11th to September 30th every year a flag that looks like this:

While war monuments are being toppled, a war flag is being raised.

Of course, efforts will be made to give this gore-soaked death flag a non-idiotic, non-dishonest, non-warmongering meaning.

Unfortunately for that cause, the flag comes from a foundation that has read more

The Vow From Hiroshima Should Be From Everywhere

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, July 10, 2020

The new film, The Vow From Hiroshima, tells the story of Setsuko Thurlow who was a school girl in Hiroshima when the United States dropped the first nuclear bomb. She was pulled out of a building in which 27 of her classmates burned to death. She witnessed the gruesome injuries and agonizing suffering and indecent mass burial of many loved ones, acquaintances, and strangers.

Setsuko was from a well-off family and says she had to work at overcoming read more

Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Antiwar Vets in the Belly of the Beast

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

Few remember anymore how a growing antiwar movement in the Vietnam era morphed into one significantly led by and filled with veterans who had fought in ‘Nam and soldiers still in the U.S. military but in distinct opposition to the American war there. In the last years of that grim conflict, I was working as a (very) young editor at Pacific News Service (PNS), an alternative read more