Unvanquishable Number

On September 21, the International Day of Peace, you will be able to watch online the new film “We Are Many,” and you darn well should. The topic is the single biggest day of activism on earth: February 15, 2003 — an unprecedented statement against war, too often forgotten, and far too often misunderstood.

On every continent (yes, Antarctica included) in 72 countries and 789 cities people turned out by the tens of millions. In many cases, this was by far the largest demonstration ever seen read more

Tomgram: Mandy Smithberger, Ending the Pentagon’s Pandemic of Spending

This article originally appeared at TomDispatch.com. To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

Suckers? Give me a break. It’s perfectly clear that Donald Trump considers just about every last one of us a sucker (including the members of his base) and that’s not news at all. It’s only news when he calls the military dead of past wars “suckers” and “losers,” as reported by Jeffrey Goldberg in an Atlantic read more

Talk Nation Radio: Tunde Osazua on the U.S. Militarization of Africa

Tunde Osazua is a member of the Black Alliance for Peace’s Africa Team and the coordinator of the U.S. Out of Africa Network, which is the organizational arm of the Black Alliance for Peace’s campaign to shut down AFRICOM and end the U.S. invasion and occupation of Africa. See:

Total run time: 29:00
Host: David Swanson.
Producer: David Swanson.
Music by Duke Ellington.

Download from LetsTryDemocracy.

Download from Internet Archive.

Pacifica stations can also read more

Time for a little truth about the economic crisis: Screwing with the Unemployment Statistics

By Dave Lindorff

Something is screwy about unemployment numbers out of Washington. 

In late July, just before the end of the supplemental $600 weekly checks for people collecting unemployment benefits, the New York Times reported that 30 million were receiving those checks

That’s 30 million laid-off workers who qualified for unemployment benefits, which is not everyone who was laid off, since many people who get work for a wage don’t qualify for unemployment compensation. 

read more

Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, What Have They (and We) Learned?

This article originally appeared at TomDispatch.com. To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

I’ve written a fair number of pieces for TomDispatch, but this one is a bit different — some might even say strange — so Tom asked me to introduce it myself.

By almost any measure, we Americans are living through trying times. As a nation, we are long accustomed to being history’s spoiled child. Now, it seems our luck may be running out.

What’s the preeminent read more

Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Great, Great Fall

This article originally appeared at TomDispatch.com. To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

Fourth World
Or American Carnage From a Pandemic President
By Tom Engelhardt

The year was 1991 and the United States was suddenly the globe’s lone superpower, its ultimate hyperpower, the last and greatest of its kind, the soon-to-be-indispensable nation. The only one left — alone, utterly alone and triumphant atop the world.

Who could have asked for more? Or better? read more

Kevin Zeese: Irreplaceable

Kevin Zeese was a major constant reliable presence in the movement for peace and justice. He used writing, editing, online and all other forms of communication. He organized events, protests, occupations. He risked arrest. He ran for office. He was an attorney and used the courts and shared his expertise. He thought independently. He acted collaboratively. He maintained good relations with those he disagreed with — even those he disagreed with over that most disagreeable of topics in a collapsing read more

Commander-in-Chief Bonespur waddles into a new controversy: Prez Dishonors Troops but Correctly Labels 2 Major Wars Unjustified or ‘Stupid’

By Dave Lindorff

Let’s be honest about America’s wars and the men and women who have fought them.

Most of the wars that the US has launched or fought in, dating back to at least the War of 1812, were not just or necessary, could have been avoided, and wasted precious lives and national wealth, often while slaughtering the people of weaker nations.

In the latest scandal precipitated by Commander in Chief Donald Trump — a man who notoriously got a doctor to lie read more

Both Dangerous: Trump and Jeffrey Goldberg

If we were to look beyond words to actions, there would be no doubt that virtually all U.S. politicians have, in effect, taken the Trump/Kissinger view of U.S. troops for as long as there have been U.S. troops.

“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” –Donald Trump, according to Jeffrey Goldberg.

“Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” — Henry Kissinger, according to Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.

It we were to let the read more

Trump could singlehanded kill the program: Social Security in the Crosshairs

By Dave Lindorff

Could President Donald Trump destroy Social Security, the New Deal retirement program that for 85 years has provided critical support to old or disabled Americans — currently numbering 65 million?

At first blush, the idea that a president could singlehandedly destroy a program that was founded in 1936 by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, that has since then for 85 years had the solid backing of Congress, and that polls have consistently ranked as the most read more