Talk Nation Radio: Pat Rosenstiel on National Popular Vote

This week on Talk Nation Radio, the National Popular Vote and the Electoral College. Our guest is Pat Rosenstiel with, which advocates for “The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.

Total run time: 29:00
Host: David Swanson.
Producer: David Swanson.
Music by Duke Ellington.

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Syndicated by Pacifica Network.

Please encourage your local read more

Don’t share secrets with Trump, share them with the people: Enough with the Goddamned Secrets! Open Up the Government Joe!

By Dave Lindorff

The incoming Biden administration is considering breaking with a long-standing tradition of new presidents sharing national secrets with prior presidents.  Instead, in the case of his future predecessor Trump, Biden says he wants to hear the advice of key national security figures in the new government regarding whether or not to brief the impeached ex-chief executive once he’s out the White House door.

That is not the question Biden should read more

The Great Evasion

Two related events—the 75th anniversary of the January 24, 1946 UN General Assembly Resolution 1 (which established a commission to plan for the abolition of nuclear weapons) and the January 22, 2021 entry into force of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (designed to finally implement that goal)—should be a cause for worldwide celebration.

In fact, however, they are a cause for shame.  The nine nuclear powers have read more

A million names yet a total failure: Time to Trash the Terrorist Watch List, a Police-State Frankenstein Gone Off the Rails

By Dave Lindorff

I have something in common with some of the brownshirt thugs who assaulted the Capitol, some reportedly intent on kidnapping and/or killing congressional leaders and members like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader and soon to be courseMajority leader Chuck Schumer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Vice President Mike Pence.  

No, I’m not a brownshirt fascist. I’m a politically leftist professional journalist, a former Business read more

(Re-)Joining the World

One of the many things we must rightly demand of the incoming U.S. government is the abandonment of rogue status, the serious participation in treaties, a cooperative and productive relationship with the rest of the world.

We’ve all heard about the Iran agreement, which ought to be re-joined and made into a treaty — and sanctions ought to be ended. Biden can do this alone, except for the ending sanctions part.

We’ve all heard about the Paris climate agreement, which ought to be re-joined and read more

Where Will Biden Get the Money?

“But where will you get the money?” is usually a right-wing question, completely forbidden during all discussions of the military and corporate bailouts and fossil-fuel subsidies and prison-building rampages, yet somehow immediately front-and-center with the pretense that it was always there whenever something good is proposed. “We have always been at war with East-Asia, er, with the Deficit.”

Biden’s new spending proposal (details here, read more

Tomgram: Michael Klare, Can the U.S. and China Cooperate on a Failing Planet?

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

For just a moment, let me try to look on the bright side of the storming of the Capitol last week by a mob incited and dispatched by President Trump. When George W. Bush, the president who launched the Global War on Terror and then invaded Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, read more