Prediction: Biden is Going to Win the Nov. 3 Election

By Dave Lindorff

Fishs Eddy – I’m going to make a bold prediction based (admittedly on a small sampling):  Trump has lost the support of his non-college educated white base — or at least enough of it that he’s toast in a blue-collar working-class and rural state like Pennsylvania and probably Michigan and Ohio too.

I’ll admit that I haven’t been to those latter two states in ages, but there’s not much difference between a city like Flint, Michigan read more

Tomgram: John Feffer, Donald Trump’s Real Mob Connections

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

It’s odd. These days as right-wing “militias” multiply — that is, armed groups of whites taking to the streets of our cities to protect Donald Trump, white supremacy, and god knows what else — I always think to myself: if such groups were Black, what would they be called? And you know the answer to that question perfectly well. They would be called “gangs.” read more

Tomgram: Liz Theoharis, Fixing Our Eyes on American Poverty

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

It certainly tells you something about our political moment. Of the two women who were reported to be Donald Trump’s leading candidates to jam instantly into the Supreme Court seat of the barely dead Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the first, 48-year-old Appeals Court judge Amy Coney Barrett, is an extreme anti-abortion read more

Without a Super Spreader Event 102 Years Ago Today, WWII Might Not Have Happened

Excerpted and modified from Leaving World War II Behind

“One day President Roosevelt told me that he was asking publicly for suggestions about what the war should be called. I said at once, ‘The Unnecessary War.’ There never was a war more easy to stop than that which has just wrecked what was left of the world from the previous struggle.” —Winston Churchill[i]

World War II grew out of World War I, and almost nobody tries to argue that World War I was just or glorious. By behaving more read more

Where Does the Democratic Party Stand on War, Peace, and International Relations?

After nearly four years of the Trump administration, U.S. voters have a pretty good idea of the policies that the President and his Republican allies champion when it comes to America’s dealings with other nations.  These policies include massive increases in military spending, lengthy wars abroad, threats of nuclear war, withdrawal from climate and nuclear disarmament treaties, a crackdown on refugees, and abandonment of international institutions.

But what about the Democrats?  Do they, as read more

What Trump and Biden Should Have Done in War on Vietnam

Donald Trump and Joe Biden were athletes who got deferments and dubious medical-based exemptions to participating in the mass slaughter of Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian men, women, and children.

The common criticism of one or the other of them, based on partisan loyalty, is that he should have participated in mass murder. Questioning this notion results, most often, in ad hominem attacks against the questioner: but you weren’t there, you can’t know what you would have done, etc.

But we read more

Two-Thirds of Presidential Debate Should Be About Militarism

Source: here and here.

Over half of the money that Congress decides what to do with every year is for wars and war preparations, year after year.

When you add in police and prisons, and the militarization of police and prisons — and of borders and airports — and the Veterans Administration, you’re talking about two-thirds of the money.

So the big question is, of course, why do I hate Veterans?

Oh, go Dick Cheney yourself. I support universal free healthcare and education and guaranteed retirement read more

Figuring out a fabulist: Big Lies about Blacks from Bigot Boy

By Linn Washington, Jr.

During President Trump’s appearance on a nationally televised Town Hall forum held recently at the U.S. Constitution Center in Philadelphia, he engaged in the ‘Big Lie’ – that propaganda technique linked with Hitler’s Nazi regime.

Trump spun Big Lies of varying size on topics ranging from health care to racial hatred throughout that Q-&-A session broadcast from the specialized museum located two blocks from historic Independence read more

The Supreme Court Vacancy Is in the Hands of the House of Representatives

I know the common story is that the Supreme Court vacancy is a matter for the U.S. Senate. But if you read this recent memo on what the Democrats could do if they really wanted to prevent packing the Court with rightwingers, something may jump out at you: The House also has control over this matter.

Here’s why:

Donald Trump came into office openly violating both emoluments clauses, threatening to wage wars to steal oil and kill people’s families, promising to discriminate in immigration on the read more

Tomgram: Nick Turse, One Hundred Seconds Till the Apocalypse

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

It was the end of the world, but if you didn’t live in Hiroshima or Nagasaki, you didn’t know it. Not in 1945 anyway. One man, John Hersey, brought that reality to Americans in an unforgettable fashion in a classic 1946 report in the New Yorker magazine on what happened under that first wartime mushroom cloud. When I read it in book form as a young man — read more