Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Emperor of Weaponry

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Slaughter Central The United States as a Mass-Killing Machine By

By the time you read this piece, it will already be out of date. The reason’s simple enough. No matter what mayhem I describe, with so much all-American weaponry in this world of ours, there’s no way to keep up. Often, despite the headlines that go with mass killings here, there’s almost no way even to know.

On this planet of ours, America is the emperor of weaponry, even read more

The Brutes Haven’t All Been Exterminated

Sometimes I struggle to explain why none of the endless wars can ever be ended. Are they just too profitable? Is the propaganda self-fulfilling and self-believing? Is the bureaucratic inertia that powerful? No combination of semi-rational motivations ever seems sufficient. But here’s a potentially relevant fact: there are still people alive in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen.

There’s no secret memo in the Pentagon stipulating that every human being must be dead before the troops read more

F-35s Are Terrorizing Vermont

When President Joe Biden proposes Trump-level military spending, he’s proposing to continue subsidizing the business of deadly weapons, first and foremost among them the F-35 stealth war plane. That it is a business, and not a “service,” should be evident from the fact that the F-35 is being sold to governments of various levels of brutality all around the globe, or from the New York Times having been reduced to read more

Talk World Radio: Peace Activism in Canada and on Campus

Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on Here is this week’s video and all the videos on Youtube.

This Week on Talk World Radio in the first half of the show our guest is Vanessa Lanteigne. Vanessa is the National Coordinator at the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace which is Canada’s longest-running national women’s peace organization. Vanessa has worked in a variety of roles in non-profits around the world. In Tanzania, she worked at an organization to end child read more

Biden Finally Lifts Sanctions Against ICC As Demanded by World BEYOND War

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, April 4, 2021

After months of demand from World BEYOND War and others, the Biden administration has finally lifted Trump-imposed sanctions on the ICC, stating a preference for a subtler approach to imposing lawlessness in the name of upholding the rule of law.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken states:

“We continue to disagree strongly with the ICC’s actions relating to the Afghanistan and Palestinian situations. We maintain our longstanding objection to read more