Talk World Radio: Tim Pluta on Protecting Activists in Western Sahara


Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on — except when it can’t be and then it’s Zoom. Here is this week’s video and all the videos on Youtube.


This week on Talk World Radio, we are talking about the unending Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara with Tim Pluta who is speaking to us from the town of Boujdour, in the home of human rights activist Sultana Khaya. Tim is an organizer in Spain with World BEYOND War, a U.S. military veteran, read more

The Shame of the Richest Country in the World Just Not Being the Richest Country in the World

“In the richest country in the world, it’s an injustice that millions of people lack basic health care,” said Sen. Ed Markey.

“[T]he richest country in the world [is] struggling to provide basic nutrition to many of its infants,” according to Vox.

Politico tells us that “the richest country in the world could find itself out of money to combat a Covid resurgence on its own soil.”

“In the richest country in the history of the world, it is absurd, to say the least, that we have sentenced read more

What If Western Saharans Mattered?

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, May 11, 2022

If I object, in the United States, to the Israeli government’s brutal occupation of Palestine, most people will not only know what I’m talking about but also understand immediately what a hateful antisemite I must be.

If, on the other hand, I object, in the United States, to Morocco’s brutal occupation of Western Sahara, most people will have no idea what I’m talking about. Isn’t that actually worse?

Remarkably, the Moroccan government is read more

Talk World Radio: Greta Zarro on #NoWar2022


Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on — except when it can’t be and then it’s Zoom. Here is this week’s video and all the videos on Youtube.


This week on Talk World Radio, we’re talking about #NoWar2022, an online event planned for July 8th to 10th. Our guest Greta Zarro is Organizing Director of World BEYOND War, where I’m Executive Director, so we are colleagues. Greta is based in Upstate New York, where she and her partner read more

If Televisions Cared About This Planet

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, May 6, 2022

When we doubt that swift and dramatic change is possible, what we really mean is that we haven’t seen much swift and dramatic change for the better lately. There’s actually no disputing that massive and almost instant change is perfectly possible. For example, in a matter of days, the unified voices of virtually every television network, newspaper, news website, and entertainment outlet in the United States took millions of people without a thought read more