The Opponents of Email Have Destroyed It

Email is dead. Long live Email.

Have you tried discussing something with friends on email lately? Often it’s worse than not even trying. Many people will never reply to any emails at all. Some will reply to the first email in a discussion thread after there have been eight emails and the consensus on some point has moved on. Someone else will then reply to a combination of what the person who is a week behind the times said plus what someone else just said who’s up to speed, but also to what read more

Spinning Illusions: The Anti-American Left and the Ukraine War

In recent decades, a segment of the global Left has looked upon the U.S. government as the Great Satan in international affairs, responsible for the world’s major ills.  Thus, on those occasions when countries at odds with the United States behaved like brutal imperialist powers, these “campists” (as they were called thanks to their division of the world into an evil U.S. imperialist read more

Tell the Ukrainian Government to Drop Prosecution of Peace Activist Yurii Sheliazhenko

By World BEYOND War, August 3, 2023

Yurii Sheliazhenko has been formally charged by the Ukrainian government with the crime of justifying Russian aggression. The evidence is this statement which explicitly condemns Russian aggression.

About Yurii.


To: Ukrainian Government

We call on you to drop any legal proceedings against Yurii Sheliazhenko, and to respect human rights, the right to conscientious objection, and the right to freedom of speech. The absurdity read more