Talk World Radio: Yasmine Taeb on Iran, War, Peace, and Congress

Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on Here is this week’s video and all the videos on Youtube.

This week on Talk World Radio, Iran, the United States, war, and peace. Our guest, Yasmine Taeb, is a human rights lawyer, progressive strategist, and former DNC Committeewoman for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Previously, she served as a Senior Fellow at the Center for International Policy and a Senior Policy Counsel at Demand Progress. She’s a seasoned human rights read more

Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, Requiem for the American Century

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

“War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothin’!” So went the famed Vietnam War-era protest lyrics first sung by the Temptations.

Looked at a certain way, however, like so many Americans, war has been the backdrop of my life. After Pearl Harbor, my father, 35, promptly volunteered for what was then the Army Air Corps; my mother, a cartoonist, would, in her own way, read more

Opposition to Abolishing Nuclear Weapons–and What Could Help to Overcome It

Given the fact that nuclear war means the virtual annihilation of life on earth, it’s remarkable that many people continue to resist building a nuclear weapons-free world.  Is the human race suicidal?

Before jumping to that conclusion, let’s remember that considerably more people favor abolishing nuclear weapons than oppose it.  Public opinion surveys—ranging from polls in 21 nations worldwide read more

The President Has Not Ended the War on Yemen; Congress Must Do So

The U.S. House of Representatives (in February and again in April, 2019) and the Senate (in December 2018 and March 2019) have each voted twice with strong bipartisan majorities to end the war on Yemen (vetoed by then-President Trump in April 2019).

The Democratic Party Platform of 2020 commits to ending the war on Yemen.

But Congress has yet to act since the veto threat disappeared along with Trump. And every day that the war goes unended means more horrific death and suffering — from violence, read more

Talk World Radio: Hanieh Jodat Barnes: Lift the Sanctions

Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on Here is this week’s video and all the videos on Youtube.

This week on Talk World Radio: santions, the harm they do, and how to end them. Our guest is Hanieh Jodat Barnes, a Bernie Sanders 2020 Delegate, President-co-founder of Muslim Delegates and Allies, National Director of PDA Middle East Alliance, and Founding member of Women’s March Los Angeles.

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At Least 36% of Mass Shooters Have Been Trained By the U.S. Military

It is extremely easy in the United States to obtain guns, to find places to practice using them, and to find trainers willing to teach you to use them. There’s no need to have any contact with the U.S. military in order to dress and act as if you’re in the military, as many mass-shooters do, some of them waging their own delusional wars against immigrants or other groups. But it is remarkable that at least 36% of U.S. mass shooters (and quite possibly more) have in fact been trained by the read more

A Cold War Re-Education in 8 Minutes

By David Swanson, March 21, 2021
Remarks at the Cold War Truth Commission

The Cold War didn’t have a hard and fast beginning that transformed the world or that turned heroic anti-Nazi Soviets into Satanic Commies on a particular afternoon.

The rise of Nazism had been facilitated in part by Western governments’ pre-existing enmity for the USSR. That same enmity was a factor in the delay of D-Day by 2.5 years. The destruction of Dresden was a message originally scheduled for the same day read more