What 50 countries are backing Guaidó? Who knows? Who cares?: If the Media Claim 50 Countries Reject Venezuela’s Elected President and Repeat It Enough It Must Be True

By Dave Lindorff

American media still refer to Juan Guaidó, America’s hand-picked “legitimate leader” or “legitimate president” of Venezuela, as having an “administration.”

The truth is that his “administration” — consisting of advisors and other opposition leaders — are all either arrested and being held by the government, hiding, seeking asylum in various foreign embassies (Spanish, Italian, Brazilian and Argentinian) in the capital of Caracas, or have fled to other read more

Why we need alternative media and FAIR: Failed ‘Coup’ a Fake Corporate News Story Designed to Trick Venezuelan Soldiers — and the Public

By Dave Lindorff

After days of breathless reporting in the US media about public and military support for Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro collapsing, and about an April 30 coup by presidential poseur Juan Guaidó, we now know the truth:  The whole thing was a fraud, staged at the instigation of Washington in hopes that the Venezuelan people and rank-and-file troops would fall for the trick and there was an actual coup.

We also know, from an excellent  read more

US plotters don’t get how loathed it is south of the border: Looks Like Another Failed Coup Attempt by US and Venezuelan Puppet Guaido

By Dave Lindorff

The imperialist neocons infesting the Trump administration, and the orange-faced  joke of a president himself, may think they can invent their own reality through propaganda, as Bush’s “brain” Karl Rove used to claim about the Bush/Cheney administration, but when it comes to Latin America, they fail to realize how deeply the people of that continent loath and resent the US and its colonial-era Monroe Doctrine.

The failure of the latest coup plotted so carefully in the read more

Most Americans Reject Trump’s `America First’ Policy

As president, Donald Trump has leaned heavily upon what he has called an “America First” policy.  This nationalist approach involves walking away from cooperative agreements with other nations and relying, instead, upon a dominant role for the United States, undergirded by military might, in world affairs.

Nevertheless, as numerous recent opinion polls reveal, most Americans don’t support this policy.

The reaction of the American public to Trump’s withdrawal of the United States from key read more

Speaking Truth to Empire

“Speaking Truth to Empire” on KFCF 88.1 FM independently owned and locally operated since 1975 in Fresno, Dan Yaseen interviews Mike Whitney. Mike lives in Washington State; he is a freelance writer, interested in geopolitics and economics. Topics of discussion include Russophobia, Russiagate and Mueller Report. His columns appear at www.unz.com and www.counterpunch.org.

Free Julian Assange! Stand up for press freedom!: London Police Grab Wikileaks Founder from Ecuador Embassy, Admit US Seeks His Extradition