Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Embracing Our Inner Empire

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Bring the war home”: once, a long, lost time ago — in October 1969, to be exact — that slogan represented a promise made by the most radical wing of the vast movement against the war in Vietnam.  Wearing football helmets and wielding lead pipes, that tiny crew of extreme leftists carried out what they read more

Tomgram: Nick Turse, A Disappearance, a Body, and What It Takes to Make the News

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We tend to think of them as separate and distinct wars: the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq.  Yet it’s not hard to trace the ways in which America’s knee-jerk overreaction to the terrorist attack of 9/11 and the “preemptive” invasion of Iraq that followed in 2003 destabilized read more

Tomgram: Noam Chomsky and David Barsamian, A World in Peril

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I first “met” Noam Chomsky in 1969 by reading these words of his about the My Lai massacre:

“And now there is Song My — ‘Pinkville.’  More than two decades of indoctrination and counterrevolutionary interventions have created the possibility of a name like ‘Pinkville’ — and the acts that may be done in a place so named.  Orville and Jonathan Schell read more

Tomgram: Nomi Prins, In Donald Trump’s Washington, The House Always Wins

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It drove me crazy throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. Hillary Clinton (with all those high-priced consultants and aides) just kept pounding away at Donald Trump’s personality, which his many followers adored, and those unreleased tax returns of his, even though Americans have always read more

Tomgram: Ariel Dorfman, A Tale of Two Donalds

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In 1985, at age 41, I visited Disney World for the first time. I remember the experience for two things: the endless lines so cleverly organized that you never knew how long they truly were and the Hawaiian Luau dinner I attended. Yes, a genuine Hawaiian feast that reminded me of American Chinese food circa 1953 and the unforgettable “entertainment” offered by “native” read more

Tomgram: William Astore, The Superpower That Fought Itself — And Lost

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After 19 al-Qaeda militants armed only with box-cutters and knives hijacked four American commercial airliners, the U.S. military moved with remarkable efficiency to rectify the problem. In the years since, in its global war on terror, the Pentagon has ensured that America’s enemies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and elsewhere have regularly been able to arm themselves with… read more

Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, How the Pentagon Snatched Innovation From the Jaws of Defeat

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In the early 1950s, my father ran a gas station on Governors Island, a military base in New York harbor. In those years, it would be my only encounter with the suburbs. And there, for maybe a dime on any Saturday afternoon, I could join the kids from military families at the local movie house for the usual Westerns or war movies preceded by either a Buck read more