Tomgram: Engelhardt, War With…?

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We’re Not the Good Guys
Why Is American Aggression Missing in Action?
By Tom Engelhardt

Headlined “U.S. Seeks Other Ways to Stop Iran Shy of War,” the article was tucked away on page A9 of a recent New York Times. Still, it caught my attention. Here’s the first paragraph:

“American intelligence and military officers are working on additional clandestine plans to read more

Tomgram: Nick Turse, Some Notes on War Watching

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Of all the things I don’t remember anymore, here’s one I do. As a boy, I dreamt about being a foreign correspondent, a war reporter in particular — and I think that Bob Shaplen must have been the reason why. He was a friend of my family’s, perhaps because, in the 1950s and 1960s, he was the New Yorker’s Far East correspondent and my mother drew for that read more

Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, The Fake News of D-Day

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Yes, they’re now known as the “greatest generation,” while the generation that followed them is sometimes referred to as the “silent” one. In my own limited experience, however, those World War II vets, the ones I knew anyway, were remarkably silent about their wartime lives. My dad was one of them. Yes, read more

Tomgram: Rajan Menon, The Death(s) of the Working Class in the Age of Trump

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In early October 2016, as the most staggering presidential election campaign of our lives was nearing its end, I wrote this about the man whom, I suggested, heartland working-class whites might consider dispatching to the White House as an American version of a “suicide bomber”:

“In relation to his Republican rivals, and now Hillary Clinton, he stands alone in accepting read more

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Trump Change

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If Donald Trump Is the Symptom…
Then What’s the Disease?
By Tom Engelhardt

Don’t try to deny it! The political temperature of this country is rising fast. Call it Trump change or Trump warming, if you want, but grasp one thing: increasingly, you’re in a different land and, whatever happens to Donald Trump, the results down the line are likely to be ever less pretty. read more

Tomgram: David Bromwich, What It Means to be “Great” on a Planet Going Down

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I watch NBC Nightly News regularly to get a sense of what version of our world a slice of America is regularly offered. In recent weeks, most of those newscasts — which usually begin with Lester Holt exclaiming, “Breaking news tonight!” — led with unprecedented rainfall, read more