Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, Dominance in the Name of Internationalism

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I was never in the military myself, but I did spend time at a U.S. military base and I have to admit that it remains a treasured experience among my memories. Sometime in the 1950s, my father ran a gas station on Governors Island in New York Harbor. Now largely a public park, it was then an Army base with two forts read more

Best of TomDispatch: Engelhardt, The Biggest Criminal Enterprise in History

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Terracide and the Terrarists
Destroying the Planet for Record Profit
By Tom Engelhardt

We have a word for the conscious slaughter of a racial or ethnic group: genocide. And one for the conscious destruction of aspects of the environment: ecocide. But we don’t have a word for the conscious act of destroying the planet we live on, the world as humanity had known it until, historically read more

Tomgram: John Feffer, Donald Trump’s Real Mob Connections

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It’s odd. These days as right-wing “militias” multiply — that is, armed groups of whites taking to the streets of our cities to protect Donald Trump, white supremacy, and god knows what else — I always think to myself: if such groups were Black, what would they be called? And you know the answer to that question perfectly well. They would be called “gangs.” read more

Tomgram: Liz Theoharis, Fixing Our Eyes on American Poverty

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

It certainly tells you something about our political moment. Of the two women who were reported to be Donald Trump’s leading candidates to jam instantly into the Supreme Court seat of the barely dead Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the first, 48-year-old Appeals Court judge Amy Coney Barrett, is an extreme anti-abortion read more

Tomgram: Nick Turse, One Hundred Seconds Till the Apocalypse

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

It was the end of the world, but if you didn’t live in Hiroshima or Nagasaki, you didn’t know it. Not in 1945 anyway. One man, John Hersey, brought that reality to Americans in an unforgettable fashion in a classic 1946 report in the New Yorker magazine on what happened under that first wartime mushroom cloud. When I read it in book form as a young man — read more