Tomgram: Tom Engelhardt, Where Are You, Izzy?

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

McCarthyism, Then and Now
And the (True) One-Party State in America
By Tom Engelhardt

Can there be any question that we’re in a mad — and loud — new age of McCarthyism? Thank you, Kevin! And don’t forget the wildly over-the-top members of the so-called Freedom Caucus and their Republican associates, including that charmer, lyin’ George Santos, Jewish-space-laser-and-white-balloon-carrying read more

Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, I Never Thought I’d Miss the Earthquakes

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

In many ways, it’s hard to absorb (if I can even use that word) the increasing extremity of our weather world. Just when you’ve taken in the latest newsflashes, something even more extreme appears on the radar screen and that news becomes history. It’s already ancient news that the read more