#NoWar2017 Parts 1-8
Opening of #NoWar2017
Welcome to No War 2017: War and the Environment
By David Swanson
Remarks at #NoWar2017 conference on September 22, 2017.
Video here.
Welcome to No War 2017: War and the Environment. Thank you all for being here. I’m David Swanson. I’m going to speak briefly and introduce Tim DeChristopher and Jill Stein to also speak briefly. We hope to also have time for some questions as we hope to have in every part of this conference.
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help World Beyond War with this event, including Pat Elder who’s organizing
The Best Speech Yet From Any U.S. President
In planning an upcoming conference aimed at challenging the institution of war, to be held at American University September 22-24, I can’t help but be drawn to the speech a U.S. president gave at American University a little more than 50 years ago. Whether or not you agree with me that this is the best speech ever given by a U.S. president, there should be little dispute that it is the speech most out of step with what anyone will say on Capitol
Pull Down That Statue of the U.S. Constitution
Nobody, not racist warmakers, not imaginary non-racist warmakers, not founding fathers, not radical protesters should be made into a deity, larger than life, in marble or bronze, on horseback or otherwise. Nobody is that flawless, and nobody’s story so withstands the test of time. We need human-sized statues and memorials of whole movements.
The U.S. Constitution, along with the Declaration of Independence, has a whole marble building dedicated to its worship: the National Archives in D.C., plus
Edward Snowden is joining #NoWar2017 by Live Video – You Can Join in Person
Edward Snowden, NSA whistleblower and 2013 Sam Adams laureate, will be speaking with us by live video, as we gather for the NoWar2017 conference on September 22-24 in Washington, D.C.
Speaking in person will be: Medea Benjamin, Nadine Bloch, Max Blumenthal, Alice Day, Lincoln Day, Tim DeChristopher, Dale Dewar, Pat Elder, Bruce Gagnon, Kathy Gannett, Will Griffin, Seymour
Senate Refuses to Stop Endless War
What It Would Take to End Racism and War
By David Swanson
Remarks at George Mason University on September 13, 2017
Thank you very much for inviting me.
May I see a show of hands of those who believe we should eliminate all racism?
Thank you, and now those who think we should eliminate all war?
Thank you.
In a typical U.S. crowd, I suspect, many more will raise their hands for ending all racism than for ending all war.
Despite the notion that we live in a democracy being largely fraudulent, I think those shows of hands represent very roughly
The Gathering to Abolish War
Have you about had enough yet? I have!
Sixteen years of endless wars, endless spending, endless killing, endless dying, endless environmental destruction, endless erosion of our rights, endless suppression of activism, endless militarization of police, endless promotion of bigotry and hatred, endless generation of hatred and terrorism, endless threats of nuclear apocalypse.
Can we make it end now?
If I were to get some people together to work on, at long last, abolishing war, I would want whistleblowers