In my town the cherry trees now bloom as winter approaches, and the curious thing is that people no longer mention the lovely spring days in November without adding they they are aware it’s an indication of a climate collapse that may rapidly render human life on Earth impossible. Everyone not only knows it but says it.
They still never add that they want to engage in any sort of activism to compel a change of course, even as the U.S. government is handed over fully to the oil companies and other institutions of evil advertised with absurd lies.
And still nobody mentions the looming risk of nuclear apocalypse — never mind doing anything about it. Why would it even come up? It has no connection to the weather or sports or food or shopping or anything that anyone talks about. And when you bring it up, you are likely to either be told that the might of the U.S. military will prevent “Putin” from using nuclear weapons, or to be told that the Russians are so restrained and sensible in the face of evil Westen militarism that Russia (whose behavior of the past couple of years is ignored) would never do such a thing. Whichever side is the good one will save us — unlike the outcome in the novel 2034 which tells a believable tale of nuclear Armageddon (if we can make it 10 more years), and contrary to the warnings of the scientists who maintain the Doomsday clock.
But do we have time to advocate against the risk of nuclear war when the certainty of environmental devastation is upon us? Or do we have time to deal with the relatively slow destruction of the climate when nuclear war could end all life before the next weekend? Western society resembles a kid in my high school who drank too much at a party, ran to the bathroom, prepared to vomit into the toilet, changed his mind and quickly sat on the toilet, changed his mind and got up to vomit, changed his mind and sat down again, and promptly threw up on the floor.
Reality is growing uglier and uglier, and not just by putting a more open Trumpian face on things. In fact, a popular new escape from reality if fantasizing about Trump as a bringer of peace and justice! Trump and gang are plotting the full destruction of Palestine while those who mean well mumble about a two-state solution in what has long been a single brutal state. War on Iran is likely, with China on deck. A lasting peace in Ukraine will take enormous efforts and wisdom not to be found in the U.S. or Russian or Ukrainian governments, and it is made more difficult every moment as Biden’s people push us into World War III. Trump barks about peace in Ukraine, while his other hand behind your back adds to the military budget from those of education and environment and energy, so that we will very soon be looking back longingly for the days when a mere 60% of U.S. taxes went into the war machine.
The men responsible for the Titanic knew. They were aware of the number of lifeboats, the reckless speed, the lack of wind, the absurd arrogance. But they were drunk on the idea that they could become unsinkable. Very, very, very soon we are going to need a ban on drunk planet maintenance. I don’t need a guide to happy holiday conversations with fascist relatives. I need massive nonviolent activism across all issues for a halt to the entire bipartisan festival of lies and xenophobia that passes for governance.
No more failed votes on yet another redundant ban on shipping weapons to Israel. Instead, a human blockade of the State Department until one or another of existing laws is complied with.
No more militarization of borders. Instead, states and cities declaring sanctuary for all people or secession from monstrous national identities.
No more expanding of foreign bases now approaching 1,000, while defunding education in hopes that people will become ignorant enough to believe that another $1 trillion for wars is financial “efficiency.” Instead, an end to militarism, and a turn to compliance with treaties and international law.
Enjoy the lovely weather, but use it to create a nonviolent revolution right now.