U.S. Military Out of Syria

U.S. President Donald Trump has announced his intention to remove all U.S. troops from Syria.

If that happens it will fulfill part of the demand that World BEYOND War has been making since Trump promised nine months ago to get “out” of Syria “like very soon.”

Removing troops from the ground — all of them, not just some — and ceasing base construction, if it happens, will be a start.

Even more important is ceasing to bomb from above.

In addition, alternative approaches need to be launched, read more

Credit where credit’s due: Trump Does Something Right for Once

By Dave Lindorff

It’s entertaining to read and watch the collective horror being expressed in the US media and the Congress as President Trump unexpectedly calls for a quick end to US military involvement in Syria, where for years US forces and CIA-trained fighters have been wreaking havoc and death and sowing chaos in a doomed effort to oust Syrian dictator Basher al-Assad from power.

There’s the New York Times, still grimly trying to gin read more

A Shift: Repudiating War on Yemen – Kathy Kelly

Photo: Houthi-allied tribesmen demonstrating in Yemen for peace talks – Hani Mohammed/AP

December 19, 2018

Twenty years ago, a small delegation organized by Voices in the Wilderness lived in Baghdad while U.S. cruise missiles attacked more than 100 targets in Iraq. Following four days of bombing, known as “Operation Desert Fox,” our group visited various Iraqis who had survived direct hits. One young girl handed me a large missile fragment, saying “Merry Christmas.”

An engineer, read more

“It Means What We Say It Means”: The Quiet Death of Limitations on the Self-Defence Excuse in International Law

William S. Geimer

Because so many of us are committed to nonviolence, in our own lives and in international affairs, we sometimes do not pay sufficient attention to the reality that self-defence is the only recognized exception to the use of lethal force in both contexts. That inattention is  unfortunate because, as we focus elsewhere, internationally recognized limitations on claims of self-defence are disappearing.  If those limitations survive and are honoured, wars will not end immediately read more

And So This Is Christmas

Christmas Day. Very late on this day and into the morning of the 26th in 1776, George Washington led a surprise night crossing of the Delaware River and bloody pre-dawn attack on unarmed hung-over-from-Christmas troops still in their underwear — a founding act of violence for the new nation to proudly remember as the progenitor of either the crimes of its “special” forces all over the globe or of peace on earth, I can never recall which.

A more useful memory is certainly that of the read more

Tomgram: Michael Klare, The Coming of Hyperwar

This article originally appeared at TomDispatch.com. To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

Imagine, for a moment, a country that no longer rebuilds or reinforces its sagging infrastructure but just can’t stop pouring money into its military. Oh wait, you don’t have to imagine that at all! You just have to look at the United States. This fall, for instance, the president who swore he was going to give us an read more

Billboards to End War Going Up and Not Going Up

By David Swanson, Director, World BEYOND War

New billboards are going up around the United States and elsewhere opposing war. Some are not going up because the message is deemed unacceptable. Many more are being planned.

This ad at right is going up in various sizes and dimensions around Lansing, Michigan, thanks to the Peace Education Center. We’ll post the details on the billboards page when we have em.

The billboard below is going up for the month of January in Albany, NY — specifically on read more