Blinded by impeachment mania: Giuliani’s a Slimeball but Bribing Maduro to Quit Office was Less Evil than Bolton’s Efforts to Spark a Coup or Civil War

By Dave Lindorff

The latest Trump administration news is a Washington Post article reporting that Trump’s “personal lawyer” Rudy Giuliani, was working a private “back channel” negotiation this past year with embattled Venezuelan President  Nicolás Maduro in a failed effort to persuade Maduro to quit his office and leave the country.

The Post, and some of the congressional Democrats who are always salivating at opportunities to raise further impeachment issues with which read more

Conviction and Removal Aren’t the Issue; It’s Impeachment of Trump that is Essential

By Dave Lindorff

A lot of pundit verbiage and Democratic Party internal debate as well is being wasted on the question of whether Trump could be convicted successfully in a Senate currently run by a lickspittle Republican majority afraid of their shadows and devoid of any concern for the fate of Constitutional government.

Let’s accept that the 2-plus Republicans among this bunch of gutless partisans that would have to join all or most of the 47 Democrats and independents in the Senate in order read more

Trump’s Articles of Impeachment: A Greatest Hits Collection

By David Swanson,

Several years back, I led a team of authors drafting articles of impeachment against then-President George W. Bush for then-Congressman Dennis Kucinich. We drafted over 60 and settled on the best 35. Had Congress moved forward, it would not have passed all 35 or convicted on them. But we felt it was important to establish the record and present the options. In fact, I would have preferred to go with more read more