No brokered convention!: If Sanders Wins a Big Plurality of Delegates, He Must Be the Democratic Presidential Nominee

By Dave LIndorff

        At the end of the Nevada debate on Wednesday evening, each of the candidates on NBC stage was asked one last question:  If nobody has a majority of delegates after the primaries, should there be a brokered Convention? All the candidates answered yes except for Bernie Sanders, who as the acknowledged front-runner in the polls was asked last. “No,” he responded, to loud cheers from the audience. “I think the people should decide.”

Sanders, who saw the nomination read more

Billionaire entitlement run amok: Bloomberg for President? God No!

By Dave Lindorff

Michael Bloomberg, according to Forbes Magazine the 9th richest man in the world with a net worth this year of $54.7 billion, isn’t just the real billionaire candidate for President in 2020 (Donald Trump’s net worth is almost certainly not counted in the billions, and could be negative for all we know, since he won’t release his tax records) Bloomberg is also the billionaires’ candidate for president. That is to say, he’s not just rich, he’s their man.

Bloomberg, read more

To paraphrase Yogi Berra, ‘It’s 2016 déjà vu all over again…’: Corporate Media’s Trashing of Bernie Sanders Starts Anew

By Dave Lindorff

In 2016, we learned that the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton Campaign, even before the primary season began, conspired to sabotage the campaign of her leading opponent for the presidential nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).  The conspiracy, that ranged from obtaining campaign debate questions in advance for Clinton and front-loading primaries in states where she could pile up an imposing lead to getting a complicit liberal media to count pledged but read more