Only The Good Die in Silence

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, February 21, 2024

The father of modern warmaking Henry Kissinger died, and every major media outlet made a lot of noise — millions of articles on the internet. Fair enough. What would contemporary coup-making or genocide be without his seminal work?

But when the father of peace studies Johan Galtung died, not a single corporate media outlet said a single word. Not even an obituary. Not even a paragraph. And even decent people said and knew nothing. And even read more

“It’s Getting Late”

For some time, it’s been apparent that the world’s nations are not meeting the growing challenges to human survival.

A key challenge comes from modern war.

Over the centuries, as military weapons have grown ever more destructive, war-related devastation has grown accordingly.  World War II was the deadliest military conflict in human history, with an estimated 70-85 million people perishing from the war directly or through read more

Both Sides Are Dead Wrong About NATO

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, February 14, 2024

How can media outlets be taken seriously — and I do not mean this rhetorically — when they shout that two hostages have been freed while adding in the fine print that several dozen mere Palestinians have been killed in the process, when they propose that a city of starving refugees be bombed in a manner that “protects civilians,” when they equate fueling wars with “aid”?

One part of the answer is that they feature raging debates between read more

Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Protecting the Most Benign Institution

This article originally appeared at To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here.

What would George Orwell think 39 years after that nightmarish title year of his passed us by? Like so many of my friends, I read his novel 1984 in my teens and never forgot “Big Brother” or phrases like “doublethink” that still have a sad applicability in today’s world. I mention this because I noticed recently that, among the read more